Terms of Use for ABC of Health
Conditions For Using Our Natural Healthcare Concepts
As Published In our Natural Healthcare Education Websites
ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health,
Mauldin, South Carolina
Primary Objectives of Our Company:
ABC of Health is a creative and innovative natural healthcare and wellness concepts education company.
This educational website introduces all American adult visitors to additional "free to review" alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts. These basic and fundamental level natural healthcare and wellness concepts can be life-changing education for most American adult visitors and may in fact be life-saving healthcare concepts for many of those visitors.
We offer additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts education for our "Certified Qualified Visitors" (CQV's) who go forward and qualify for membership in our A4J private education club. The CQV security level was explained in our Home Department's presentation. The CQV security level can enable one to become security qualified to join our A4J private education club.
A4J club members can learn how to increase their energy level and their physical vitality, increase their emotional strength, and improve their health and their lifestyle in additional ways by purchasing our six-lessons CQV natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program (now a component part of our A4J-SC club membership).
This remarkable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program is presented in large part at our main website in security code protected departments.
However, some of this special healthcare concepts education program is presented in other websites that we own, and part of this very important and very valuable natural healthcare concepts education is presented in our E-mail communications to each CQV.
We use these multiple communications methods as an important part of our security system - to help prevent "unqualified people" from obtaining access to our copyrighted special natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate trade secrets.
Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) who join our A4J club can learn how to improve their overall health in special ways that can substantially increase their
potential to live a healthier life and a longer life.
These proprietary and copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts
can also help reduce and minimize A4J club member's potential for
several sickness and disease conditions that are commonplace in the United States of America (USA).
The very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts published in this website contain copyrighted and proprietary natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are our corporate education trade secrets - the intellectual property of ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health.
It is unfortunate that most educational systems in America do not adequately educate teenage students about the importance of copyright protection for intellectually creative products and services. That kind of education could help students develop the respect that all copyrighted information deserves from American teenagers and American adult citizens.
Our Copyright Information department presents the vital information that visitors need to understand about the purpose of U.S. Government copyright laws. We educate all visitors about basic copyright information so they can develop adequate respect for ownership of copyrighted creations.
This Terms of Use department informs American adult visitors about the Conditions that are applicable to the use of our copyrighted and proprietary natural healthcare and wellness concepts, as published at this special educational website, and as published at our other educational websites.
Our natural healthcare and wellness concepts, as published in the Home Department's presentation (several additional departments are linked within this presentation) is presented as "free to review" education for all reasonable and responsible American adult visitors to this website.
You have already learned that we also present a six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Program at this website, and you also learned that we share lesson one of those six-lessons with all reasonable and responsible American adult visitors as "free to review" natural healthcare education.
Lesson two through lesson six of our A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Program are available only to members of our Americans4Justice Private Education Club.
All of our "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts are provided with the understanding that our Regular American Visitors (RAV's), our Apparent Qualified Visitors (QV's), our Approved Qualified Visitors (AQV's), and our Certified Qualified Visitors (CQV's) have each reviewed our Copyright Information Department and this Terms of Use Department and have then agreed to respect and comply responsibly with the conditions for use that are stated in each of these departments.
Your actions in reviewing the natural healthcare and wellness concepts published in this website, down to the three red horizontal lines near the end of the Home Department herein, will show that you have reviewed the conditions for use stated in our Copyright Information Department and as stated in this Terms of Use Department, and you knowingly and willingly agree to respect and comply responsibly with the conditions for use that are stated in each of these Departments.
Without that clear agreement as an Approved Qualified Visitor (AQV), you are strictly prohibited from reviewing any additional natural healthcare and wellness concepts published in other departments of this website, or as published in any of our other natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational websites. (We have several natural healthcare educational websites.)
All members of the legal profession in the USA, or their romantic friend(s), or their spouse, or their sons or daughters, and any of their employees, business or personal associates or close friends, and any judicial system judges or other officers of the court, or any judicial system employees (federal, state, county, city, etc), are strictly prohibited from reviewing any of the healthcare and wellness concepts that are published at this website (or any of our other educational websites) that are beyond the three horizontal red lines that are near the end of our Home department's presentation.
As reported in our Judicial Actions Report Department at this website, during 20+ years of malicious and ruthless related litigation actions in a distant southern state, Lonnie Willoughby, Jr. learned that the judicial systems and the legal systems in America can easily be operated as a form of "self-serving organized crime" at any time that "they" choose to conduct judicial actions in that manner.
Consequently, as the founder and president of ABC's of Health, Inc., Lonnie will not allow ABC of Health to help educate any members of the "legal brotherhood" anywhere on Planet Earth about our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts, beyond the basic and fundamental level of natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are presented in our Introductory website's Home Department and this main education website (which includes several department's of "free to review" presentations that are linked within that lengthy Home Department's presentation).
All of these same prohibitions apply, exactly as stated above, for all law enforcement officers, administrators, and any other law enforcement type employees (USA federal, or state, county, city, or any other law enforcement jurisdictions on Planet Earth).
Those same people (identified above) are also prohibited (excluded) from reviewing any of our other websites.
Our Judicial Actions Report Department at our main website presents a simplified report about how Lon Willoughby, Jr. was maliciously and ruthlessly harassed, persecuted, and punished in an outrageously unfair, unethical, and despicable criminal-minded self-serving despotic and tyrannical corrupt manner for more than 20 years by a series of unfair, unethical trial attorneys (lawyers), trial court judges, and appellate court judges in a distant southern state.
Why Did They Do That In
Such An Outrageously Corrupt Way?
You can review the rest of this information later by visiting the Judicial Actions Report Department. That department explains why Lon and Janie Willoughby will not allow any members of the legal profession in American to become a member of our A4J private education club.
The very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that is presented "free to review" at this Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational website can be very beneficial to all American adult visitors.
Our "Certified Qualified Visitors" (CQV's) was defined in the Home Department. This exceptionally important educational website presents very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lonnie Willoughby personally researched, discovered, developed, and timely copyrighted for exclusive educational use by ABC of Health.
The special natural healthcare-related concepts presented beyond the Home department's lengthy presentation in our main website (and the several departments that are linked from within that presentation), are off-limits to all of the excluded people identified above (legal/judicial members, officers, romantic partners, spouses, children, parents, employees - and also all law enforcement members and officers and their romantic partners, spouses, children, parents, and all law enforcement employees).
CONSIDERATIONS: The very important and very valuable alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts that are published at this Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Educational Website are in our "free to review" format for consideration by American adult visitors as helpful education and motivation to make important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness improvements in their personal and family member lifestyles.
Obviously, we must make a responsible effort to obtain reasonable compensation for developing our very important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts and our educational programs..
Our main website reports the very large costs in dollars and many thousands of hours of time for Lon Willoughby and his wife Janie that have been involved in the development of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts education projects - over a period of many years.
We strive to obtain compensation for our work through the very reasonable fees that we charge for our natural healthcare consultation services for A4J club members, and for the nominal reasonable fees that we charge to evaluate "qualified visitors" as AQV's and CQV's, and for the purchase cost of our A4J private education club services.
you are a reasonable and responsible person who can understand and
respect and cooperate willingly with our dedicated efforts to develop
and operate a natural healthcare concepts education business that is needed badly in America for ordinary citizens (not for healthcare practitioners).
Our natural healthcare education programs have the potential to help millions of ordinary American citizens with their enlightened healthcare and wellness actions.
As shown in this website, our natural healthcare concepts education objectives are an exceptionally important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness improvement project that has the potential to eventually help improve the lives of millions of patriotic-minded American citizens.
MARRIED OR LIVING TOGETHER COUPLES: If you are married, or living together with another adult, you may review and use our natural healthcare and wellness concepts, as published "free to review" at this website, to improve the healthy lifestyle objectives of each of you, but only after both of you have personally reviewed these Terms of Use Conditions and both of you agree to comply responsibly with these Conditions.
If either of you do not willingly agree to comply responsibly with these Terms of Use Conditions, then neither one of you can use any of our natural healthcare concepts as stated below.
You must both review these Terms of Use Conditions and if either one of you is unwilling to comply responsibly with these Conditions, then this website (all departments) and all of our other websites will be off limits to both of you. It will be illegal for you to use any of our "free to review" natural healthcare and wellness concepts to improve your lifestyle or healthcare actions.
In that event, you must vacate our Main Website before progressing beyond the three red horizontal lines near the end of the Home department. If this situation is applicable to you, thank you for your fair and reasonable and responsible cooperative actions in vacating our Main Website promptly as stated above.
If both of you DO AGREE to fully comply responsibly with the Conditions stated herein, you may then apply to go forward so both of you can become a "Certified Qualified Visitor" (CQV) and then elect to join our A4J Private Education Club.
A4J Club member are authorized to use all of the natural healthcare and wellness concepts published at our Introductory Website, our Main Website, and this Website - to help then improve their healthy lifestyle objectives for their self, a spouse or significant other person, and any dependent children that live with them full-time in the primary residence.
If children are involved in these important natural healthcare concepts education efforts, then you are specifically required to teach each child about these restrictive conditions to the extent that they understand clearly that they are not allowed to "share any of our proprietary and/or copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts" with their friends, classmates, teachers, or any other people.
In that regard, these special proprietary and/or copyrighted A4J Club Member natural healthcare concepts must be carefully maintained as your "family healthcare secrets." Your children are not allowed to attempt to share with anyone any of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate education trade secrets.
SHARING OF OUR NATURAL HEALTHCARE AND WELLNESS CONCEPTS: Other than for your personal use, or family use as stated above, it is illegal (a serious copyright law federal crime) and also a serious civil violation of these Conditions to reproduce or share any of our proprietary and/or copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts in any form or format with other people (verbal sharing and written notes sharing is also strictly prohibited).
If you would like to share some of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts with other people, you can do so legally by simply encouraging them or inviting them to visit our Introductory Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Website located at: AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com/.
We authorize you to do this because your actions in this regard will enable your contacts to learn about that special Introductory Website, where they can also obtain some of our "free to review" valuable natural healthcare concepts by agreeing to responsibly comply with these Terms of Use Conditions. (All Qualified Visitors at that Introductory Website will also be detoured to our main website and then review the Home Department of our Main Education Website (and the other departments that are conveniently linked therein).
Your contacts can then decide individually whether or not they may be able to go forward and apply to become a Certified Qualified Visitor (CQV) so they can be security qualified to join our A4J private education club and then have full access to all six lessons of the A4J special education program services that is available for A4J Club Members.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: It is illegal and a serious civil violation of these Terms of Use Conditions to republish, reproduce in any form, or distribute verbally or otherwise any healthcare concepts published at this website unless you have written permission to do so from the president of ABC's of Health, Inc. (Lonnie E. Willoughby, Jr.)
You are also prohibited from storing any of our natural healthcare concepts
(covers this entire website) in a retrieval system, or transmit it by
any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise)
without written specific permission from the president of ABC's of Health, Inc.
PROHIBITIONS: Please understand that we are not educating you, or any other person, to take any actions that would cause
some of our proprietary or copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts to be used in any way
that would attempt to compete with our company (either non-profit or for profit) or cause any kind of damage or harm or additional difficulties or expenses for our company.
Furthermore, you are specifically prohibited from
attempting to "give away" any of our proprietary and/or
copyrighted healthcare concepts corporate trade secrets
(verbally, in print, or in any other form or format).
You can encourage your family members, friends, or other contacts to visit our Introductory Website (AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com) if you want to help them learn about some of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
remember that Lonnie Willoughby has responsibly
devoted many thousands of man-hours of his
time, over a period
of many years, to this very important natural healthcare education
project. He and his wife Janie and this company have
more than 1.7 million dollars ($1,700,000) in the complex development of our proprietary and copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness education concepts.
Our Main Website also explains some of the challenges, difficulties,
hardships that Lon and Janie had to contend with over the years while
Lon was responsibly researching, discovering, and learning how to more fully develop
this unique natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational business.
trust that you are mature enough and responsible enough to understand
that Lon and Janie and our company have incurred very high costs in
time, diligent effort, a lot of money, and dedication in acquiring and developing our very important and very valuable natural healthcare concepts corporate education trade secrets.
The natural healthcare and wellness concepts presented "free to review" at this website are a basic and fundamental level of our proprietary and copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness education concepts.
You are strictly prohibited from using any of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts in any format for personal gain or to cooperate with or assist or help other people use any of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts in a profit or non-profit manner, or in any manner that would attempt to compete with our company's natural healthcare and wellness concepts education objectives (stated in our Main Website's Home department's presentation).
You are also strictly prohibited from attempting to use any of our published natural healthcare concepts to cause damage, difficulty, additional expenses, or any harm to our company in any way.
Do not attempt to tell other people about some of the
things that you learned at this website. If you like what
we are doing to help American citizens with our very
important and very valuable natural healthcare and
wellness concepts education actions, and you want to
help some of the good people that you know learn about
some of our natural healthcare concepts, simply
encourage those people to visit our Introductory
Website, as explained previously. That is all you need to do, and that is all that we authorize you, or your spouse, or your children to do.
We have already done the very complex and very difficult education work for you at our websites; you can simply encourage your contacts to visit our Introductory Website.
It is very easy for you to be in full and fair responsible compliance with these very reasonable Terms of Use Conditions if you want to be honest and responsible regarding the use of our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
PENALTIES for Violations: The minimum penalty for violating our Copyright Conditions and/or these Terms of Use Conditions will be one million USA dollars ($1,000,000), or
25% of your gross annual income or 25% of your actual net worth,
whichever amount is the greater value.
That penalty will also be applicable if you allow, enable, or help or assist in any manner any excluded person to gain access to any of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts, beyond the three red horizontal lines near the end of the Home Department of our Main Website as stated previously above.
If one or more persons are involved with you in violating these Terms of Use Conditions, then each person involved with be libel jointly and severally for the penalty amount stated above or below, as applicable. (This is a civil conspiracy, and it may be a criminal conspiracy to violate USA copyright law.)
If such violations of these Terms of Use Conditions allow or enable or help any "excluded persons" identified herein (specifically any member of the legal profession in America, or any legal profession anywhere else on Planet Earth), or such violations enable anyone closely associated with any legal profession members (such as a spouse, a son or daughter, a parent, or any employees or any contract associates), or enables any judicial court system officer or employees, or any federal, state, county, or city law enforcement agents or officers, or enable other law enforcement employees to gain access to any of our published natural healthcare concepts (beyond the three red horizontal lines in the Home Department of our Main Website, then the penalty amount becomes ten million U.S. dollars ($10,000,000) for each violation.
There is also a ten million U.S. dollars penalty assigned for each additional legal profession member who gains access to any of our published natural healthcare concepts (beyond the three red lines as stated above) as a result of your careless or willful actions to violate these Terms of Use Conditions.
For wealthy individuals, or wealthy companies, who violate these Terms of Use Conditions regarding the identified "excluded people,"
the 25% factors are doubled and become 50% factors - whichever amount is the greater amount of
penalty becomes the applicable amount of the penalty.
The penalties stated above definitely apply to disclosure of said information to any other person that an excluded person may be associated with: a spouse, a romantic partner, an employee, a friend, a business associate, or a contract associate of any type.
COMPLAINT RESOLUTION: You fully agree that if any complaint arises between you and ABC of Health regarding any issues related to any of our natural healthcare education services, or any other education services offered by or through ABC of Health, that you will notify ABC of Health promptly about your complaint issues in writing. (This can be done by Fax or First Class USPS Letter to our P.O. Box 127 address.) USPS Certified Mail is preferred but is not required if you retain adequate proof that you complied with these instructions.
You agree to act in a reasonable, responsible, and sensible fair-minded manner with ABC of Health
as our staff personnel attempt to resolve your alleged complaint issues without
the need for any litigation actions, or any involvement of state or federal agencies.
You further agree that litigation will not be used in any form in an effort to resolve your alleged complaint issue. You knowingly waive all rights to sue our company in any court in the USA, or anywhere else.
promise to give fair and reasonable consideration to your complaint
issue(s), but our decision in resolving the matter is final and may not be
appealed in the interest of cost effectiveness and time expenditures.
If you are a member of our A4J Private Education Club, you have the right to resign your membership without any refund of membership fee, and you also have the right to not renew your membership for the next year.
You do not have the right to complain about
our services in a dishonest, unfair, unreasonable manner on the
Internet or anywhere else, and you will be subject to being sued by our
company if you take such actions.
Lon Willoughby has provided a detailed two-part
autobiographical true story (report) for you to review at
no cost. If you do not develop confidence in his abilities,
his integrity, and his dedication to providing important
education services to American adult citizens, do not
further use any of our educational websites and do not
actively use any of our educational "free to review"
healthcare and wellness concepts.
As explained in this website, Lon has had a lot of legal
experience in the USA, in state courts and in the federal
courts. He has zero confidence in the fairness, integrity,
or reasonableness of state courts or federal courts, or
trial attorneys (lawyers) or appeal court procedures or
appeal court judges (state or federal appellate courts).
He and his wife are providing very important and very
valuable educational services to American citizens, and
they are both senior citizens. They are not going to
voluntarily become subject to litigation complaints from
many possible dishonest, unfair, unreasonable, or foolish
American citizens in various locations who may want to
sue ABC of Health for some alleged complaint issue that
could cause a lot of expense and trouble and time
involvement for our company and our personnel.
Those individuals have very little money or time invested in their involvement with ABC of Health, but Lon and Janie
Willoughby and ABC of Health have very large funds and
time and effort invested in this education business.
NOTICE: It is clear that ABC's of Health, Inc. must
retain the right to sue individuals, companies, or other
legal entities that violate our Terms of Use because that
legal right is essential to protect our many proprietary
and copyrighted corporate educational trade secrets.
Important notes: Do not use an Email to us as your
only method to contact ABC of Health unless you get a
timely response to your Email from ABC of Health. It
very easy for us to miss seeing your Email because we
get lots of Emails daily from many sources. We do not
have time available to review a lot of Emails (100+ daily)
in a careful manner. We scan them as best we can to
find Emails from education clients or potential clients.
That is why we have explained the best way to title an
Email that is sent to us - see our Contact ABC of Health
department. It is always helpful for a person to also call
us by phone to let us know that we should look for their
Email - tell us which Email address was used (we have
several addresses), the date and time that the Email was
sent, and a brief overview of what the Email is about.
That phone call will alert us to search for that Email.
Fax communications is very reliable and very prompt,
and we get very few Faxes so your Fax communications
will likely be reviewed promptly. The U.S. Postal Service
Mail is also usually a reliable method of written
Our prompt response to your communications can
serve as proof of your communications to ABC of Health.
NOTICE: If ABC's of Health, Inc., dba ABC of Health, should file a lawsuit as plaintiff against you in any of these regards, and the lawsuit is subsequently resolved in the plaintiff's favor, you agree to pay for the plaintiff's reasonable attorney fees, and all other litigation costs for the plaintiff (case filing fees, deposition expenses, transcript costs, and other normal litigation expenses, including any private investigator costs involved for proving the plaintiff's complaints against you by a preponderance of the evidence introduced in the litigation case).
You also agree to pay for any additional expenses incurred by the plaintiff for enforcement of the verdict (if that is necessary) after a verdict has been filed in the case.
You agree that all litigation and related legal type enforcement
actions that we may take against you, or other related litigation
actions, that involve our alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts educational services
will be conducted as much as possible in the appropriate court (state
court or federal court) located in Greenville County, South Carolina.
You further agree that any litigation that is necessary will be
conducted in a responsible and timely manner, without any unnecessary
delaying or stalling legal actions, schemes, or tactics being used on
your behalf.
We are in the natural healthcare concepts education business. We are not in the business of filing lawsuits against American visitors to our websites or against our education clients. We do not want to file lawsuits against ethical, reasonable, and responsible people who are trying to be good American citizens.
Consequently, all any visitor, or any education client, has to do to comply with these very reasonable Terms of Use Conditions is
simply read through these conditions in a responsible and sensible
manner and then comply with the easy straightforward guidelines that are
explained herein.
FREE WILL: Anyone who uses any of the information presented in this Website, or referenced in this Website, must do so of their own free will, understanding that the educational information presented herein is for consideration by adults only as educational alternative health type natural healthcare and wellness concepts information.
Our natural healthcare and wellness concepts are the author's reasonably well-informed opinions about these important and valuable advanced healthcare and wellness concepts. We understand that our copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts will be new healthcare concepts for other healthcare practitioners.
Consequently, our natural healthcare and wellness concepts may not be agreeable to some other healthcare consultants when they are first learning about them (without adequate consideration of our health concepts).
However, you are strictly prohibited from sharing our proprietary and copyrighted natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate trade secrets with other healthcare consultants or practitioners of any type for any reason. This will includes dieticians, medical doctors, medical nurses, nutrition consultants, or any other type of healthcare practitioner.
Do not try to find out how they like or feel about our natural healthcare and wellness concepts. If you are not competent enough emotionally or intellectually to evaluate our natural healthcare and wellness concepts by yourself, using reasonable common sense, then do not attempt to use any of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts. See relevant statements in the next paragraph.
Those types of "sharing actions" would be "giving away" some of our very important and very valuable corporate education trade secrets to some of our competitors.
Please remember that we have many healthcare practitioner type competitors; consequently, such "giving away" actions to any of our healthcare competitor practitioners are strictly prohibited for obvious reasons.
We have hundreds of thousands of dollars invested in our corporate trade secrets and you cannot get another healthcare practitioner (of any type) to evaluate some of our corporate trade secrets without "giving away" some of our very valuable corporate trade secrets to that competitor healthcare practitioner. Do you understand this situation in a reasonable and responsible manner?
If you do not, you should review this information a second
time for better understanding - or simply vacate this website and then do not use any of our "free to review" healthcare and wellness concepts education.
This is very responsible serious business; more than
40,000 people die prematurely each week in the USA
primarily because they had not been educated about how
to use our remarkable natural healthcare and wellness
concepts in their daily lifestyle actions.
We make it very easy and convenient for American
adult citizens to learn about our education website.
Consequently, do not inform any competitor healthcare
practitioners of any type about some of our natural
healthcare and wellness concepts for any reason, including your efforts to learn how some of our competitors like or feel about some of our copyrighted corporate education trade secrets. Got it?
The penalty amounts involved here are the same amounts as for violations that involve "legal profession members" as stated above. ($10,000,000 - ten million US dollars per incident with each competitor situation that violates these Terms of Use Conditions). The 50% factor explained previously for wealthy individuals or wealthy companies are also applicable for these types of ethics violations.
PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY: If an adult person chooses to begin using any of the natural healthcare and/or wellness concepts presented "free to review" in this website, or any of our websites, they are fully responsible for said use and fully responsible for any of the consequences that may occur from those voluntary actions.
No liability is assumed or available from ABC's of Health, Inc., or ABC of Health, for your use of any educational information contained in this website, or for use by your spouse, or your dependent children.
Reasonable precautions have been taken in the presentation of the educational information contained in this website. However, this is educational natural healthcare concepts information and neither the author nor the publisher assume any liability for errors or omissions that may inadvertently occur herein.
CAUTION # 1: The natural healthcare concepts information published at this website is the author's responsible opinions about these matters, and this educational information presents his understanding and beliefs about some important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts.
You may choose to use or experiment
with some of our healthcare concepts, pursuant to these Terms of Use conditions, but you must personally accept full responsibility for doing so.
You are fully responsible for the actions that you take in this regard and also for the results that you obtain; consequently, your use of our special natural healthcare and wellness educational concepts is at your own risk.
CAUTION # 2: If you do not accept these very reasonable Terms of Use Conditions, and agree to fully comply with these conditions,
you are hereby prohibited from reviewing any information presented at our websites beyond the three red horizontal lines near the end of the Home department of our Main Website, as explained herein previously.
If this situation applies to you, or if you are an excluded person (as described previously), we insist that you vacate this website promptly after completing your review of these Terms of Use Conditions.
DEATH RATES IN AMERICA: Our review of the death rate data published at www dot cdc dot gov for year 2013 found that people in the USA are dying at a high average rate - about 7,115 people die daily in the USA.
The 2013 data amounted to about 49,800 people dying weekly, and that amounted to about 216,416 people dying monthly in the USA. (These are calculated average death rates based on the annual death rate data published published by the CDC for year 2013 in the USA. See CDC dot gov for more information about this subject.
Our corporate officers (Lonnie and Janie Willoughby) understand that many of the people that die weekly in America are too sick to continue living because they did not have adequate education about the natural healthcare and wellness concepts that Lon Willoughby discovered, developed, and timely copyrighted over a period of many years for exclusive educational use by ABC of Health.
Important Healthcare
Educational Considerations
We teach many of these natural healthcare and wellness concepts in our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Program that is explained in the Home department's presentation.
Our special natural healthcare and wellness concepts six-lessons education program will offer our A4J Club Members some of our revolutionary breakthrough advancements in natural healthcare and wellness management concepts and natural healthcare and wellness protection concepts.
Our A4J Club Members will have remarkable opportunities to greatly improve their natural healthcare and wellness concepts knowledge and thereby have very valuable opportunities to live a healthier life, and live a more productive and more successful life, and a more rewarding and satisfying life.
As far as we have been able to determine, this is the first time
in the history of the USA that this type of alternative health
natural healthcare and wellness concepts education program has
been made available to ordinary responsible christian-oriented
patriotic-minded American citizens.
Lesson three of our A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness
Concepts Education Program reports that there are more than 25
advanced industrialized countries on Planet Earth whose citizens
are healthier than Americans. We understand that this situation
can be improved a lot for the American citizens who
responsibly review the natural healthcare concepts published
"free to review" at this website.
We know how to provide very important healthcare and wellness concepts to American citizens who can "qualify" to purchase our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Program.
We understand that when we have many "Certified Qualified Visitors" (CQV's) joining our A4J private education club and getting our A4J natural Healthcare Concepts Education Program, we will be gradually helping improve the health of these selected American citizens, including their spouse and young children in remarkable ways, and these special educational actions will be improving the health of America as a nation.
Lon and Janie Willoughby realize that America can eventually become a healthier country in future healthcare evaluations if we can find and educate millions of "qualified" American citizens with our six lessons A4J Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Education Program.
Lon has good reasons for believing that millions of American citizens
can potentially become the healthiest people of any industrialized
country on Planet Earth, but we understand that those Americans need to
be educated about our natural healthcare and wellness concepts to accomplish that objective.
The statement in the paragraph above is a quick overview of how important our A4J Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Program can be for millions of ordinary American citizens.
Think about this situation for a few moments: we understand that our A4J natural healthcare education program has the potential to help save thousands of lives each month in America - when we get this remarkable education program working for millions of American citizens.
As you can see, visitors to this website can play a very important helpful role
in this super objective by simply inviting some of their family
members, relatives, friends and other contacts to visit this special
Our A4J Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Program has the potential to enable the savings of many billions of dollars in healthcare costs each
year in America (for individuals, families, companies, states, and the
federal government). (Combined savings can equal tremendous amounts
Consequently, you can now understand why our six-lessons A4J Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Program may be incredibly important to you and to other Americans that you care about.
FDA STATEMENT: The very important and valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts presented at this Website is natural healthcare educational information only, and it has not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA).
Please understand that the natural healthcare and wellness concepts published in this website are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
You can help spread the word about our A4J Natural Healthcare Concepts Education Business with your family members, friends, business associates, church members, and club members, etc.
Simply encourage them to visit our Introductory Education Website to obtain very important and valuable natural healthcare concepts that are in "free to review" format. Invite them to visit the website below.
AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com
Thank you for reviewing our Terms of Use Conditions. We will
appreciate your responsible efforts to respect our very important
and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts
corporate trade secrets and responsibly act in full compliance
with the reasonable Conditions stated herein.
STATEMENT OF INCORPORATION: The Conditions stated in
this Terms of Use department are incorporated verbatim into all of
our other websites by this Statement of Incorporation.
Natural Healthcare Education Services
IMPORTANT NOTES: The introductory paragraphs below provide an overview of the very important and valuable natural healthcare education services that we offer. This information is also presented in several departments of this Website because key words are contained herein that help numerous Internet Search Engines work well with our complex website.
After you have read this helpful
information one time, you can simply scroll down past these paragraphs
when you visit other departments that contain similar introductory
Natural Healthcare Education Services: This Website shows that we offer lots of FREE natural healthcare concepts at our multiple Websites; we want to help visitors get started on improving their lifestyle.
also offer natural healthcare concepts consultations by telephone for "qualified" American citizens who live in
South Carolina within a 50 miles radius of the downtown area of Greenville, South Carolina.
(we have a very reasonable consultations fee structure)
can conduct convenient telephone consultations that can be very helpful
to individuals or married couples or families with some children.
We can educate these "qualifiable education clients" quickly about relevant advanced natural healthcare a nd wellness concepts that may be very helpful about their healthcare concerns.
Telephone consultation services offer the advantages of being a fast and convenient way for our clients to obtain some natural healthcare concepts information that can be directed toward a specific healthcare concern. Clients can obtain this very valuable healthcare information quickly at a very reasonable cost.
Our company is currently developing very important and valuable Advanced Natural Healthcare and Wellness Concepts Home-study Education Programs for "qualifiable" American citizens - natural-born patriotic citizens who live in the upstate area of South Carolina and have a permanent residence address Zip Code of 296 _ _.
Our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs will enable us to provide comprehensive but simplified natural healthcare and wellness concepts education that can be
exceptionally beneficial regarding a broad range of very important natural healthcare concepts.
One of our comprehensive but simplified natural healthcare and wellness concepts home-study education programs can be much more effective over the years, to an individual or a married couple or a family with children, than many hours of our personalized telephone consultation services can provide.
The proprietary copyrighted healthcare and wellness concepts that we will teach in our home-study education programs can educate clients about our incredibly important and valuable advanced healthcare, wellness, and fitness concepts.
We know how to teach these exceptionally important and very valuable natural healthcare and wellness concepts in
ways that are easy to understand and easy to learn and also easy to use
for improving our qualified clients' lifestyles in remarkable ways.
You can learn more about our natural healthcare concepts home-study education programs at a special Website that we developed for that purpose. Visit our Introductory Website located at: AdvancedNaturalHealthConcepts dot com for information about the remarkable education programs that Lon and Janie Willoughby have developed.
This very important advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts education is available only from our company because we own numerous copyrights that are taught in our advanced natural healthcare and wellness concepts programs. No other company in America is authorized to teach any of our natural healthcare and wellness concepts corporate education trade secrets.
Where is ABC of Health Located?
Our corporate office is located in the excellent modern city of Mauldin, South Carolina. (population of about 24,000 people) We are just eight miles from the downtown area of Greenville, South Carolina (an exceptional southern city).
ABC's of Health, Inc. has multiple Websites that present very important alternative health type natural healthcare concepts information about various subjects such as: healthcare consultations, healthcare concepts consultations, healthcare counseling sessions, health classes,
healthcare classes, healthcare concepts education programs, vitamins,
minerals, herbs, enzymes, nutraceuticals, probiotics, proteins, etc.
We also publish helpful information about air filters, air purifiers, water filters, bathing water filters, shower filters, water purifiers, water alkalizers, water ionizers, CHI exercisers, and quality built rebounder type exercisers, Far-infrared (FIR) portable Saunas, health stores, and health food stores.
The relevant healthcare products and services listed above illustrate the broad range of health issues that our resident natural healthcare consultant, nutrition consultant, and healthy lifestyle coach is knowledgeable about.
(Lon Willoughby)
Lon has acquired specialized alternative health natural
healthcare concepts education and experience with many important health-promoting products
and alternative health and "complementary health" natural healthcare concepts, protocols, and services.
(Natural healthcare actions = healthcare without using
prescription type pharmaceutical drugs)
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